Tuesday, November 30, 2010

RWesleyB Photo Gallery - Urban, Coastal, and Botanical

Creative Commons License
RWesleyB Photo Gallery by Richard W Barnett is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

   A Closer Look...


"Blue Skies"




"Fountain Water"


"Jet Stream"

"Everything's Blue"

"Trippy Trumpet Flowers"



"A New Dawn"

"A Fallen Tree"

"Shadow Valley"


"Cool Blues"

"Stormy Daze"

"Take Cover"

"Pier Into The Fog"

"My Chucks"


"A Still Harbor"

 "A Long Walk Across"

"Under The OB Pier"

"Branching Out"

"Passing Train"

 "Radial FX"


 "Wall Orchid"

"Invisible Raindrops"


"The Station"


"Wallpaper Sky"


1 comment:

  1. Perfect choice in music. I've never heard it before, but I've become a fan.

    "H20"- INSTANTLY fell in love with this shot. It's my #1 photo of yours to date. The colors are amazing. Looks like swirling paint mixing together.

    "Transmissions"- I like the clouds in the background. Calm before the storm. I think of a toaster falling into a bathtub.

    "Pier into the Fog"- Clever Title. The people in the distance make me think of friends of the past. Nice adolescent memories. I would also like to see this shot without anyone in it. It would evoke a totally different feeling.

    "Under the OB Pier"- The wave is breaking directly only under the pier and centered in the frame. Nice timing. The diagonal separation of light and dark is genius.

    I've discovered that Octobers in San Diego are the beginning of beautiful sunsets and cloud play. Another reason why I love it here.

    It is always a pleasure to view your work. Thank you.
